Rolling Steel Doors
Florida Garage Doors offers a wide variety of Rolling Steel Doors, Rolling Fire Doors, Counter Shutters and Fire Shutters. We are certified through C.H.I., the manufacturer, to install and service these doors. The C.H.I. Series 6000 coiling service doors are engineered and designed for maximum strength and durability. Manufactured to stringent code standards, the Series 6000 line is built to provide a long-lasting reliable performance.

Rolling Service Doors
Standard service doors are built to order to fit specific dimensions up to 30’0” wide, 28’0” high. Great for warehouses, storefronts and banks. These doors give you maximum protection to protect your business and goods.

Counter Shutter Door
Coiling Counter Doors offer the best in security, flexibility, and appeal. Unique joint designs produce a flush curtain to achieve a seamless, clean appearance. C.H.I. Coiling Counter Doors are available with steel, stainless steel or aluminum curtain options
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Rolling Fire Doors
Our Coiling Fire Doors are available in a variety of gauges, slat profiles and colors. Also choose from fail-safe time delayed releases, smoke detectors and audible and visual warning systems

Fire Shutter Door
U.L. labeled counter fire doors are engineered for installation to approved sheet drywall, steel, and masonry construction for areas that require a fire listed counter door in a rated fire wall